For dry skin problem it's recommended to drink around 2 liters of water or other isotonic liquids daily (it means: no sweet coffees or teas - they and sweet juices remove water from the body). It's recommended to drink water slowly during the day, avoiding drinking plenty of water in short periods of time, if we drink fast - our kidneys will be forced to filter out water. Drinking slowly we help our body to keep the water inside. There are also diet supplements, helpful in keeping hydrated our body from inside.
One of the biggest mistakes for dry skin is getting rid of fats in daily diets. As you may try to lose weight, you may not know that fats are essential in proper skin's hydration, and they contain many important vitamins for our body as well.
Important Ingredients:
Substances influencing providing water: mineral salts, NMF, hydrophilic amino acids, milk acid salts, water acids.
Lipids building cellular cement
Vitamins (especially A, E, F) but also (C, B5, B6, Biotin)
Biologically active substances – ASC III
More Details About Vitamins in Food & Skin Care Products:
Be sure your diet contains vitamins your skin needs:
Vitamin A
Well known as retinol. Rich in vitamin A are liver oils of: cod fish, tuna and flatfish. It assists epidermis regeneration processes.
Vitamin E
Sources the richest in "vitamin of youthfulness" are vegetable oils (corn, avocado, sunflower, soy, evening primrose), cereal products, green vegetables (broad beans, peas, lettuce, cabbage). You can find vitamin E also in eggs, margarine and butter. It helps to keep your skin nourished, thanks to vitamin E you can enjoy smooth, firm and hydrated skin.
Vitamin F
It's really important vitamin for your skin and food is the only source for Vitamin F (also called essential fatty acids (EFA)). Main source for Vitamin F are vegetable oils (soy, peanut, olives). Vitamin F helps in other vitamins (A, E and D) assimilation by your body and it helps your skin cells in faster regeneration.